
Innovative Sustainability Solutions

We enable Africa’s transition to a climate-smart, circular, and sustainable future through design-driven, evidence-based and technology-enabled solutions.

Who are we?

NIKO GREEN is a sustainability ‘think-do-tank’ that drives green innovation and climate action through design-thinking, data and technology.

Prosperity for People and Planet through Innovative Sustainability Solutions

To enable Africa’s transition to a climate-smart, circular, and sustainable future through design-driven, evidence-based and technology-enabled solutions.

At NIKO GREEN, we strive to be-:


Our Solutions

We offer a comprehensive array of services meticulously designed to cater to a diverse spectrum of needs and requirements. These offerings encompass a wide range of specialized and tailored solutions targeting numerous sectors including energy, waste, water, building & construction, healthcare, education, tourism and travel among others

Sustainability Reporting

We help measure, validate and communicate the sustainability performance of organizations, products and services based on industry accepted standards.

Sustainability Storytelling

We leverage diverse media to help companies and organizations weave their sustainability journey into creative, captivating and authentic narratives

Research & Analytics

We provide data and insights on the transition to a low-carbon and sustainable future through rapid scoping and in-depth analytical studies.

Assessments & Audits

We help measure, compensate for, certify and communicate the environmental, social, governance and carbon footprints of organizations, products and services.

Policy Advisory & Advocacy

We help companies and organizations to develop sustainability strategies that align with their core businesses while raising awareness on the need to adopt policies that ensure a harmonious blend of business growth with a thriving, eco-conscious world.


We provide customized trainings on mainstreaming sustainability and climate action into businesses and industries across diverse sectors


Endelevu Labs

We are steadfast in our commitment to pioneering innovation for a sustainable future. Through ENDELEVU LABS, we push boundaries to create and incubate impactful and cutting-edge solutions for a greener, more resilient planet. By doing so, we aim to contribute to a healthier planet, better quality of life, and a flourishing ecosystem where progress and sustainability coexist harmoniously.

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